Network of Professionals

Our Network of Professionals

As a financial advisor, my primary goal is to help you achieve financial clarity. I do this by accessing a network of dedicated professionals, each bringing their unique expertise to the table. Together, we provide personalized advice and services that help you make informed decisions and secure your future.

Financial Advisor

Think of me as your financial coordinator. I help you figure out your goals, create plans to achieve them, and keep everything on track. Whether it’s planning for retirement, managing investments, or saving for a major purchase, I have access to a network of professionals who ensure every aspect of your financial life works together smoothly.

Accountant/Tax Professional

Having an accountant or tax professional in your financial network is essential for keeping your financial records in order. They handle tasks like bookkeeping, preparing financial statements, and assisting with tax planning. Their role is particularly important during tax season. They help you file your taxes accurately and on time, taking the stress out of the process. By optimizing your tax strategies and ensuring everything is reported correctly, they help you save money. Their skills are invaluable for both your immediate needs and long-term financial planning.

Investment Advisor

Investment advisors focus on building and managing investment portfolios tailored to your short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals. They thoroughly research the market, evaluate investment opportunities, and offer valuable insights to help you create a well-rounded portfolio. Whether you’re saving up for a major purchase, planning for retirement, or aiming for other financial milestones, they assist in choosing the right investment vehicles, such as RRSPs, TFSAs, RRIFs, and non-registered accounts, to support your financial stability and future needs.

Life Insurance and Living Benefits Advisor

Life insurance and living benefits advisors are here to help you protect your greatest asset: yourself. Their job is to make sure you and your family are financially secure if unexpected events occur. These advisors walk you through different insurance options, including disability insurance, critical illness insurance, and life insurance, to find the coverage that fits your needs best. By understanding your unique situation and recommending the right policies, they provide you with peace of mind, knowing that you have a safety net in place for life’s uncertainties.

General Insurance Specialist

General insurance specialists cover a wide range of insurance needs, including auto, property, travel, and liability insurance. They assess your risks and recommend policies that provide the protection you need. Their advice helps you understand your options, compare quotes, and select the best policies to safeguard your assets, ensuring you are well-protected in various aspects of your life.


Bankers are there to help you navigate a wide range of financial services, especially when it comes to getting loans and credit products. They offer advice on securing personal loans, understanding credit options, and managing debt effectively. Whether you’re looking to finance a major purchase, consolidate debt, or build your credit, bankers provide the support and guidance you need to make informed financial decisions.

Mortgage Broker

Mortgage brokers assist you in securing financing for property purchases by accessing multiple lenders on your behalf. They assess your financial situation, compare mortgage products from various sources, and recommend the best options for you. With their ability to shop around and understand different interest rates, loan terms, and application processes, they ensure you get the best possible mortgage deal, making homeownership more accessible and affordable.


Realtors are your go-to professionals for buying or selling property. They provide market insights, negotiate deals, and manage the legal aspects of real estate transactions. With their knowledge of local market trends and property values, realtors help you make informed decisions whether you’re purchasing a home, investing in real estate, or selling property.

Legal & Estate Professional

Legal and estate professionals play a vital role in your financial planning by handling the legal side of things, such as estate planning, wills, trusts, and probate. They make sure your assets are distributed according to your wishes and that all the necessary legal documents are properly set up. Their guidance helps you reduce estate taxes and smoothly navigate the legal processes, ensuring your wealth is transferred to future generations just as you intended.

Having a network of financial professionals is essential for achieving financial well-being. Each member brings their own expertise to address different aspects of your finances, from investments and insurance to legal and real estate matters. As your financial advisor, I act as the coordinator, ensuring that all these professionals work together seamlessly. By leveraging their combined knowledge and skills, you can gain financial clarity and know that every aspect of your financial life is taken care of.

Ready to take control of your financial future? Contact us today.

How To Use Insurance To Provide Your Family With Financial Protection

How To Use Insurance To Provide Your Family With Financial Protection

The best way to provide your family with financial protection is with solid insurance planning. These three types of insurance will ensure your family has the financial resources they need if you die, are injured, or become ill:

  • Life insurance.
  • Critical illness insurance.
  • Disability insurance.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is an inexpensive way to ensure your family will have access to a tax-free lump sum payment after your death. Whether you want to give your grandchildren a helping hand getting started in life or provide financial resources for a stay-at-home parent, life insurance can be a great way to do it!

You have two main options when it comes to life insurance – term insurance and permanent life insurance.

With term insurance, you’ve got life insurance coverage for a set period (for example, five years). Premiums for term insurance are lower than for permanent life insurance, but they will rise as you age or your health changes.

With permanent life insurance, you’ve got lifetime coverage. You’ll pay more in premiums at first, but the cost will be less overall than if you buy term insurance for your entire life. Some permanent life insurance policies also allow you to contribute money beyond your premiums, where it can grow tax-free.

Not sure which type is best for you? We can help you figure this out!

Critical Illness Insurance

With critical illness insurance, you will be eligible for a tax-free lump sum of money if you’re diagnosed with a significant illness such as cancer or a stroke. While anyone can benefit from this insurance, it’s essential for self-employed people who don’t have employee benefits to help tide them over while recovering or receiving treatment.

You can spend the lump sum any way you want, including paying off your mortgage, paying for treatment not covered by provincial health care, or putting aside money for your children’s future.

Depending on the type of critical illness policy you select, you may be able to get a “return of premium” option, which means your premiums will be returned to you if you never make a claim. We can explain how to option works and what coverage we think is best for you.

Disability Insurance

Most people assume that they’ll never become disabled. But the stark reality is that 1 in 5 Canadians are considered to be living with a disability. If you couldn’t work anymore because you became disabled, this could have a disastrous impact on your family’s financial stability – especially if you’re self-employed.

With disability insurance, you’ve got financial protection to ensure you can pay your bills and maintain your family’s standard of living. We can explain how to minimize the cost of your premiums while still getting the coverage you need.

Protect Your Family

Book a meeting with us today to get started with insurance planning.

Protecting Key Talent using Group Benefits

Building a Sustainable Future Together

As a group benefits specialist, our main objective is to foster a sustainable future by working in partnership with our clients. We believe that a knowledgeable and engaged workforce is essential for any organization’s success. One of the crucial aspects of achieving this goal is protecting key talent within your company. In this article, we will explore how group benefits can play a significant role in safeguarding your organization’s most valuable asset: its people.

The Value of Key Talent

Key talent refers to those employees who possess critical skills, expertise, and knowledge that drive your company’s growth and success. They are the backbone of your organization, ensuring it thrives in today’s competitive landscape. Retaining these valuable individuals is vital as their loss can have a significant impact on your business operations, productivity, and overall morale.

Challenges in Retaining Key Talent

In today’s dynamic job market, retaining key talent can be challenging. Many factors come into play, such as attractive offers from competitors, personal growth opportunities, work-life balance, and employee well-being. As an employer, understanding and addressing these challenges are essential to protect your top performers and maintain a competitive edge.

The Role of Group Benefits

Group benefits can be a powerful tool in attracting and retaining key talent. By offering comprehensive and customized benefits packages, you demonstrate your commitment to your employees’ well-being, security, and future. Here are some key aspects of group benefits that contribute to protecting your key talent:

1. Health and Wellness Coverage

Providing robust health and wellness benefits, including medical, dental, and vision coverage, not only promotes a healthy workforce but also demonstrates your dedication to their overall well-being. When employees feel supported in their health, they are more likely to remain loyal to your organization.

2. Income Protection

Group benefits often include disability insurance, which provides financial protection for employees who might experience an injury or illness that prevents them from working. This security helps ease financial worries during challenging times and creates a sense of stability, encouraging key talent to stay with your company for the long term.

3. Retirement Planning

A well-designed retirement plan is an attractive feature for key talent. It shows that you care about their future and are committed to helping them achieve financial security during their retirement years. Contributing to a retirement plan also reinforces a collaborative and client-focused relationship with your employees.

4. Work-Life Balance Support

Offering benefits that support work-life balance, such as flexible work arrangements, paid time off, and family leave, shows your understanding of the importance of a balanced life. Employees who feel they have the flexibility to manage their personal and professional responsibilities are more likely to stay committed to your organization.

5. Career Development

Group benefits can extend beyond traditional offerings. Consider including professional development and training opportunities within your benefits package. Investing in your employees’ growth not only enhances their skills but also reinforces your commitment to their long-term success.

Educational Approach and Collaboration

Our mission as group benefits specialists is to provide educational and collaborative support to our clients. By engaging in open discussions about your organization’s needs and goals, we can tailor group benefits packages that align with your unique requirements. Together, we can build a sustainable future by nurturing and protecting your key talent.

Protecting key talent using group benefits is not just a sound business strategy; it reflects a client-focused, educational, and collaborative approach to employee welfare. As a group benefits specialist, we are committed to working hand-in-hand with our clients to create comprehensive and customized solutions that safeguard their organization’s most valuable asset – their people. By investing in the well-being, security, and future of your employees, you are not only enhancing loyalty and retention but also building a stronger and more sustainable future for your company. Let’s continue to partner together to ensure a prosperous and thriving workforce.

The Five Steps to Insurance Planning

The Five Steps to Insurance Planning

One of the first “grown-up” things you do is to get insurance. Maybe it’s renters’ insurance when you’re first starting out. After that, you move on to life insurance, home insurance, and car insurance.

Whatever your insurance needs are, meeting with a licensed insurance agent can help ensure you have all the coverage you need.

Find an insurance agent

The first thing you need to do is to find an insurance agent. Ask trusted friends or family members if they can recommend one. Look for reviews online and make sure that the person is licensed – this is required in all provinces.

Meet with your insurance agent

Your insurance agent may ask you to bring some information to the meeting – such as your current salary or the estimated worth of your house. The point of your first meeting is to determine what kind of insurance you need.

Review your insurance options

One of an insurance agent’s primary duties is to help you make an informed decision about your insurance coverage. Your insurance agent should explain the following:

  • What a policy does and doesn’t cover
  • How much a policy costs and what your deductible is
  • How to file a claim if needed

Your insurance agent will talk to you about different scenarios where you could need insurance to help determine the best coverage for you.

Purchase insurance

Once you’ve settled on the amount of coverage you need, your insurance agent will then check to see if you are eligible for any discounts. They will then let you know how much your policies will cost and enroll you in them.

File a claim

If you get into a situation where you need to file a claim, your insurance agent can help you file a claim and update you on its progress.

It’s essential to be adequately insured – so contact an insurance agent or us today!

When should I buy life insurance?


When should I buy life insurance?

No matter what stage of life you are in, Life insurance can benefit you. It will give you peace of mind knowing your loved ones will receive the financial support they need after you die. It is never too soon or too late to buy life insurance.

Types of life insurance

There are two main types of life insurance:

  1. Term – temporary coverage for a set amount of time (10, 15, or 20 years).

  2. Permanent – life insurance that never expires.

Term life is generally cheaper as it only provides coverage for a set amount of time. Whereas, Permanent insurance will cost you more in the short run but may work out less expensive in the long run as your premiums do not tend to increase as you age.

Life insurance in your 20s

In your 20s, you may feel like you are immortal and have many other things on which you want to spend your money. However, you may have responsibilities; student loans that your parents co-signed for or a mortgage with your partner. If something happened to you, your loved ones would be left to pay for that debt; alone. Life insurance could help fill this financial gap.

Life insurance in your 20s is very affordable because you are considered low risk. As a result, you can protect your loved ones for a reasonable premium.

Life insurance in your 30s

By the time you’re in your 30s, you may have several financial responsibilities – including a mortgage and children. If you have only had term insurance up to this point, you may want to consider converting the term to permanent to help give yourself lifelong protection.

Even if you have life insurance through your workplace, you may want to buy additional life insurance. Separate life insurance can help cover you if you lose your job or lock-in rates while relatively young and healthy.

Life insurance in your 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond

At this stage in your life, you may still have a mortgage or dependent children. You may have even bought a cottage or a vacation property. No matter your financial responsibilities, if your estate does not have enough cash to cover your liabilities, it is still essential to have life insurance.

Now is an excellent time to lock in permanent insurance. However, if you find the premiums too high or know you only need life insurance for a set amount of time, term life may still work for you.

Your next steps

Now you know about the two main types of life insurance and why it’s crucial to have some form of life insurance in place, no matter your age. If you’re not sure where to go from here, contact us – we can help you figure out your next steps!

Why Insurance Is So Important If You’re A Single Parent

Why Insurance Is So Important If You’re A Single Parent

Your kids mean everything to you – and you want to make sure they’re protected no matter what. As a single parent, you must have the right health and life insurance options in place to make that happen. We recommend you consider all of the following types of insurance:

  • Disability insurance

  • Critical illness insurance

  • Accident insurance

  • Life insurance

Disability insurance

Disability insurance can provide you with an income if you become disabled and cannot work – whether it’s for a short period of time or a long one.

Most workplaces offer disability coverage, but it’s tied to that particular job, so you’ll lose coverage if you leave that job. As well, the coverage from your employer’s plan may not be sufficient to cover your needs if you become disabled.

It’s particularly important for you to look into disability insurance if you work as a contractor or have a job with no benefits.

Critical illness insurance

Critical illness insurance can help you pay for the costs associated with various serious medical issues (such as a heart attack, cancer, or a stroke) that aren’t covered by any other health plans or disability insurance. As a single parent, you may find the payout from a critical illness insurance policy especially helpful for paying for extra childcare or lost income if you cannot work.

Accident insurance

Life is getting busier than ever – and there are more and more of us on the roads. Unfortunately, more people on the roads mean more accidents. If you buy accident insurance for yourself or your children, the payout from the policy can bring in some extra income at a critical time of need if any of you are in an accident. You can use an accident insurance payout to help pay for anything from lost income to private home care.

Life insurance

Life insurance is critical as a single parent as your children are dependent on your income. Generally, we suggest that you get a policy that is worth at least 10 times your annual income, but you may need more if you have a lot of debt or you need the money to last a long time.

Your children should be the beneficiaries of your policy and you can name a trustee (such as a grandparent or other relative) to look after the money on your children’s behalf until they reach a specified age.

We can help!

If you have questions about what kind of insurance is best for you, we’re happy to answer them! We’ll walk you through all your options and put together an insurance package that’s just right for you. Call us today!

Permanent versus Term Life Insurance – What are the Differences?

Permanent versus Term Life Insurance – What are the Differences?

You know you need life insurance – but you’re not sure which kind is best for you. We can help you with that decision.

There are two main kinds of life insurance:

  • Permanent, which lasts for your entire life.

  • Term, which is only good for a set amount of time.

No matter which type of life insurance you buy – permanent or term – you can rest easy knowing you’ve provided financial protection for your family.

Permanent life insurance

Permanent life insurance is good for your entire life unless you choose to cancel it. It’s an excellent choice to give you peace of mind that you’ll always be covered, even if you develop major health issues later in life.

There are also benefits to having permanent life insurance beyond guaranteed lifelong coverage:

  • You can use the policy to build up a cash value – making it a good choice for low-risk investing.

  • You may be able to use your permanent life insurance policy as collateral for a loan, making it a good choice for business owners.

The main drawback to permanent life insurance policies is that the premiums are often more expensive than term life insurance premiums. If, however, you’re thinking long-term and can afford the premiums, permanent life insurance is a great way to ensure you’re always protected and can have some guaranteed money for your estate.

Term life insurance

Term life insurance is either valid for a set amount of time (such as five or ten years) or until you reach a set age – for example, 60. You should generally be able to renew your life insurance at the end of each term, but your premiums may go up.

Term life insurance premiums are cheaper than permanent life insurance premiums – at least, you are younger and healthier (as the risk of you dying is lower). Your premiums will increase as you age or develop health issues.

You can’t use term life insurance as collateral for a loan or use the policy to build up a cash value. There are lots of benefits to term life insurance, though – it’s a good choice for you if you want low premiums, easy-to-understand insurance, and only need it for a set amount of time – such as while you have a mortgage or young children.

We can help you decide between permanent and term life insurance

If you’re not sure what kind of life insurance is best for you, we can help. We’re happy to talk to you to get more information about your insurance needs. We can then discuss what each type of insurance will cost you and which type of insurance we feel is best for you.

Give us a call today!

Succession Planning for Business Owners

Succession Planning for Business Owners

Business owners deal with a unique set of challenges. One of these challenges includes succession planning. A succession plan is the process of the transfer of ownership, management and interest of a business. When should a business owner have a succession plan? A succession plan is required through the survival, growth and maturity stage of a business. All business owners, partners and shareholders should have a plan in place during these business stages.

We created this infographic checklist to be used as a guideline highlighting main points to be addressed when starting to succession plan.


  • Determine your objectives- what do you want? For you, your family and your business. (Business’ financial needs)

  • What are your shares of the business worth? (Business value)

  • What are your personal financial needs- ongoing income needs, need for capital (ex. pay off debts, capital gains, equitable estate etc.)

There are 2 sets of events that can trigger a succession plan: controllable and uncontrollable.

Controllable events

Sale: Who do you sell the business to?

  • Family member

  • Manager/Employees

  • Outside Party

  • There are advantages and disadvantages for each- it’s important to examine all channels.

Retirement: When do you want to retire?

  • What are the financial and psychological needs of the business owner?

  • Is there enough? Is there a need for capital to provide for retirement income, redeem or freeze shares?

  • Does this fit into personal/retirement plan? Check tax, timing, corporate structures, finances and family dynamics. (if applicable)

Uncontrollable Events

Divorce: A disgruntled spouse can obtain a significant interest in the business.

  • What portion of business shares are held by the spouse?

  • Will the divorced spouse consider selling their shares?

  • What if the divorced spouse continues to hold interest in the business without understanding or contributing to the business?

  • If you have other partners/shareholders- would they consider working with your divorced spouse?

Illness/Disability: If you were disabled or critically ill, would your business survive?

  • Determine your ongoing income needs for you, your spouse and family. Is there enough? If there is a shortfall, is there an insurance or savings program in place to make up for the shortfall amount?

  • Will the ownership interest be retained, liquidated or sold?

  • How will the business be affected? Does the business need capital to continue operating or hire a consultant or executive? Will debts be recalled? Does the business have a savings or insurance program in place to address this?

Death: In the case of your premature death, what would happen to your business?

  • Determine your ongoing income needs for your dependents. Is there enough? If there is a shortfall, is there an insurance or savings program in place to make up for the shortfall amount?

  • Will the ownership interest be retained, liquidated or sold by your estate? Does your will address this? Is your will consistent with your wishes? What about taxes?

  • How will the business be affected? Does the business need capital to continue operating or hire a consultant or executive? Will debts be recalled? How will this affect your employees? Does the business have a savings or insurance program in place to address this?

Execution: It’s good to go through this with but you need to get a succession plan done.  Besides having a succession plan, make sure you have an estate plan and buy-sell/shareholders’ agreement.

Because a succession plan is complex, we suggest that a business owner has a professional team to help. The team should include:

  • Financial Planner/Advisor (CFP)

  • Succession Planning Specialist

  • Insurance Specialist

  • Lawyer

  • Accountant/Tax Specialist

  • Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU)

Next steps…

  • Contact us about helping you get your succession planning in order so you can gain peace of mind that your business is taken care of.

Life Insurance after 60- is it necessary?

You may have had life insurance for as long as you can remember. You wanted to make sure that your family would be taken care of and be able to pay their bills if anything happened to you.

But now that you’re older and your children are grown – and hopefully your mortgage is paid off – you may not feel you still need life insurance. This could be a valid assumption; however, there are some circumstances under which it may still make sense for you to have life insurance. They are:

  • You still have substantial debt.

  • You have dependent children or grandchildren.

  • You want to leave a financial legacy.

You still have substantial debt

No one likes the thought of leaving their loved ones to pay their debts if they die. If, however, someone has co-signed a loan with you – for example, for a mortgage or a car – and you die, then they will be on the hook for the entire amount.

If you have life insurance and name your co-signer as the beneficiary, this will help relieve any financial burden your death could cause them.

You have dependent children or grandchildren

If you have children who are still dependent on you because they have a mental or physical disability, life insurance can be an excellent way to ensure they will still have access to funds after you die.  Lifelong care can be expensive, and a life insurance benefit will go a long way to helping fund it.

You may have grandchildren you are caring for or that you are not responsible for but want to leave money they can use towards higher
education.  A life insurance payout can be a great way to help a grandchild get a good start in life without having to go into debt.

You want to leave a financial legacy

You may not have dependent children or grandchildren but still want to leave them something when you die. Life insurance can be a great way to do this without cutting back on your spending during your lifetime.

Life insurance can also help make sure that you have something to leave everyone in your will. If you have a family cottage, it can
be complicated to leave it to more than one person or family. Life insurance gives you the option to leave one person or family the cottage and another person or family the cash equivalent.

We can help you!

If you’re unsure whether or not it still makes sense to have life insurance after the age of 60, we’d be happy to sit down with you and talk through your options. Give us a call or email us today!

Saving for Education

Post-secondary education can be expensive, however having the opportunity to plan for it helps with making sure that you’re capable to meet the costs of education. In addition, when you have a plan, it’s easier to make financial decisions that align with your goals and provide peace of mind. In the infographic checklist, we outline 6 factors to consider when paying for education: 

For parents:

  • How much to save and when will your child start school?

  • Registered Education Savings Plan- have you a family RESP plan and received the Canadian Education Savings Grant? If your income is low enough, you could qualify for the Canada Learning Bond.

  • Savings- are you saving separately for your child’s education? Cash Value Life Insurance- have you considered using this as a savings vehicle for your child’s education. What happens if your child decides not to go to school? These alternative savings vehicles provide flexibility so that you can use the funds for something else such as a down payment for a future home.

For children:

  • Will the child be working part time and have their own savings for school?

  • Can the child apply for scholarships, bursaries or grants?

  • Will they need to apply for government student loan, personal loan or personal line of credit?

If you need help planning to save for your child’s post-secondary education, contact us!